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  • Notice: Array to string conversion in template_process_field() (line 1104 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/modules/field/field.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).

News and information relating to CFIA. For the collective agreement and more, vist the CFIA section at the national website.

November 19, 2013 - 1:15pm •
Earlier this year, Treasury Board announced it would be implementing a “pay in arrears” system for federal government employees as part of their Pay Modernization Initiative.Public service employees are paid on a “current” basis. They receive their pay on a Wednesday for the 10 day pay period that ends on that same day. As the pay needs to be processed several days in advance, any changes to an individual’s pay in those last few days (such as leaves or acting pay) is not accounted for immediately, but requires pay adjustments in subsequent paycheques.
October 31, 2013 - 10:16am •
(Ottawa) October 29, 2013 – Leaders of the federal public sector unions (the National Joint Council bargaining agents) met yesterday and released the following statement on the government’s proposed changes to federal labour relations legislation:The federal public sector bargaining agents call on the government to withdraw its sweeping and unfair changes to federal labour relations legislation from its omnibus budget implementation act. Instead, the government should engage in real consultation on legislation to improve labour relations.
October 16, 2013 - 8:20am •
Pressure from bargaining agents and our members has paid off. Treasury Board President Tony Clement has confirmed in an Oct. 15 meeting with PSAC National President Robyn Benson that “pay modernization” in the federal public service and the implementation of “pay in arrears” will take place with no impact on PSAC members' pay – no member will experience a claw back.The employer had proposed a transition that would have resulted in a loss of 4% off member’s biweekly paycheques in 2014.
September 26, 2013 - 12:14pm •
PSAC has asked Treasury Board to provide a definitive answer about their plans to implement pay in arrears and what they intend to do to protect PSAC members from the impact of any changes.The union has continued to discuss the matter with Treasury Board over the summer and we remain positive that the issue can be resolved so that our members do not suffer financial hardship.
August 2, 2013 - 9:45am •
PSAC is calling on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to return to the bargaining table, after the Public Interest Commission (PIC) tabled its recommendations last week.“The PIC report amply demonstrates that many of the demands of our bargaining team are justified,” said Chris Aylward, National Executive Vice-President of PSAC.
July 26, 2013 - 12:00am •
Last year, the PSAC along with other unions at the National Joint Council negotiated some improvements to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP). An agreement was reached between the NJC unions, Treasury Board and other employer representatives to help bring the PSHCP in line with other similar health care plans. The employer has now come back to the table and is asking for two major concessions in return for implementing the deal that they had already agreed to.
June 13, 2013 - 11:34am •
REVP Bob Jackson was on CBC Radio in Victoria on Tuesday June 11th, talking about sick leave in the federal public sector. Listen in below ...
June 6, 2013 - 11:41am •
On Tuesday, May 28th,  Treasury Board President Tony Clement, announced with great fanfare what he called a new directive on performance management that includes a mandatory performance assessment for all public sector  workers.PSAC members are proud of the work they do on behalf of Canadians, and have no problem receiving feedback and having their work properly and fairly evaluated.
June 6, 2013 - 11:40am •
Robyn Benson, PSAC National President & Tony Clement were on CKNW's Bill Good show recently to discuss the recent government announcement regarding performance reviews in the federal public service. Here's the audio ...
May 30, 2013 - 9:31am •
With National Public Service Week just around the corner I would like to remind members in BC of the boycott that is in place. I have recently received information that some of our members are involved in organizing events with the employer and are planning to attend functions. 


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