Vancouver Area Council Meeting - Political Action & the Federal Election

Error message

  • Warning: Illegal string offset 'tokenized' in addtocal_field_get_value() (line 362 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/addtocal/addtocal.module).
  • Warning: Illegal string offset 'tokenized' in addtocal_field_get_value() (line 400 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/addtocal/addtocal.module).
  • Warning: Illegal string offset 'tokenized' in addtocal_field_get_value() (line 362 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/addtocal/addtocal.module).
  • Warning: Illegal string offset 'tokenized' in addtocal_field_get_value() (line 400 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/addtocal/addtocal.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
August 19, 2015
5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
PSAC Vancouver RO - 5238 Joyce Street, Vancouver, BC (Map)

We have scheduled an important Vancouver Area Council meeting for Wednesday, August 19, 2015, dinner at 5 pm, meeting starting at 5:30 pm, to be held at the Vancouver Regional Office, 2nd floor boardroom.
The main agenda items are related to political action for the Federal election, including providing a ~1.5 hr canvassing orientation for those who were unable to take part in the Political Action Training that was held in July, but want to help with our PSAC member-to-member campaign.  We are also inviting those members that attended the Political Action Training and fall under our jurisdiction to come to this meeting as well.
We've put the canvass orientation near the end of the agenda to provide a point for others who already have the training to be able to leave the meeting. We know time is valuable for all, especially during an election period, so we've tried to make the agenda as efficient as possible.
Tentative agenda for August meeting

  1. Introductions
  2. Approval of previous minutes
  3. Brief overview of PSAC member-to-member campaign
  4. Sign-up for canvass dates
  5. Canvass orientation
  6. Other

Please RSVP to if you are able to attend, with any dietary requirements, by August 17th.
