Call for Nominations – Delegates to PSAC BC Regional Convention from Directly Chartered Locals and Separate Employer Units

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To: PSAC DCL and Separate Employer Unit Locals.

Per section 9 of the PSAC BC Regional Bylaws, we will be holding an election for a delegate to represent Directly Chartered Locals and Separate Employer Units (who are not entitled to an automatic delegate) at the upcoming PSAC BC Regional Convention.

Section 9 Sub-Section (6)

Directly Chartered Locals and Separate Employer Units, except those Directly Chartered Locals and Separate Employer Units of Locals, that are entitled to a delegate(s) under Section 9, Sub-Section 1, Steps 1 and 2, will be entitled to one (1) delegate to represent their entire constituency

The Regional Convention will be held April 25 – 27th 2014 in Vancouver, visit the convention page for more information.

Nominations Procedure

Members who are interested in putting their names forward as a delegate to convention should download and return a nomination form, via fax or email, along with an optional 1 page biography and/or statement.

To nominate or be nominated you must be a member in good standing.

The deadline for nominations is close of business, January 3rd 2014.

Elections Procedure

Per past practice, we will conduct the elections via mail in ballot. The voting period will take place between January 6th and January 25th 2014.