The Ombudsperson's Report on Seniors Care in BC - Building a Community-Based Response

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March 5, 2012
9:00 am to 2:30 pm
Vancouver Public Library Central Branch (Georgia & Robson) - Alice MacKay Room , Vancouver, BC (Map)

An invitation from the Vancouver Cross-Cultural Seniors Network, BC Health Coalition, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives/Remaining Light Project.

Join us at a community forum March 5, 2012 to discuss BC Ombudsperson Kim Carter's comprehensive recommendations for improving quality, accessibility, and accountability in BC's home and community care system.  Ms. Carter's recommendations were released February 14thas part of her second and final report on her province-wide investigation into "systemic issues" in seniors care in BC. 

Following a presentation by Ms. Carter and an opportunity for questions and answers, we'll discuss ideas for building broad-based support for her recommendations.

  • What can we do within our own networks, organizations and communities to help reinforce the significance of her recommendations, and the importance of provincial government leadership to implement them?
  • What kinds of information or supports do groups need to do this work?
  • How can we most effectively raise the profile of the Ombudsperson's report and seniors care issues with the wider public?
  • How should the provincial government engage with and consult seniors in implementing the recommendations, in particular as it establishes a seniors' advocate?

The purpose of the forum is not to come to one common understanding or analysis of the Ombudsperson's report, or the government's response to it, but rather to learn more and discuss ideas in an open dialogue.

Who should attend this forum? Service providers, community organizations, people or groups who work directly with seniors, organizations representing service providers or seniors care workers, advocates, members of the Lower Mainland seniors-led community planning tables, and others who would find it valuable to participate.

A light lunch will be provided.

Free, but registration is required: RSVP to Danny Li,

We have booked a large room and hope to have space for everyone who wishes to attend - but please RSVP as early as possible.
