Join PSAC BC at the Pride Parade and Festival in Victoria

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  • Warning: Illegal string offset 'tokenized' in addtocal_field_get_value() (line 362 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/addtocal/addtocal.module).
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  • Notice: Undefined index: placeholder in mailchimp_signup_subscribe_form() (line 333 of /var/www/dev_psac_regional/profiles/re_psac_profile/modules/contrib/mailchimp/modules/mailchimp_signup/mailchimp_signup.module).
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July 6, 2014
(All day)
Victoria, Victoria, BC (Map)

As we've done for the past several years, we'll be participating in the parade and hosting an info booth at the festival afterwards. We'll be raising the profile of our union: talking to the public and other PSAC members about our work as federal public sector workers, the effects of the cuts and PSAC's We Are All Affected campaign. These events are always fun, and are a great way to meet your fellow union members and members of the public.

The Vancouver Island Human Rights Committee invites all Locals and PSAC members on Vancouver Island to march together as a PSAC Convoy in the Parade - ALL are welcome to join in the march. Bring your significant other, your best friend, your family. Your presence makes our Union visible!

The VIHRC is also looking for volunteers to help staff the booth at the festival and assist prior to the event with logistics.

All interested members and allies wanting to be a part of this wonderfully fun, exciting and true celebration please contact Paul Jones at or Virginia Vaillancourt at

It will be a great day!