Human Rights Forum on the Cuban Five

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October 15, 2011
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Langara College, 100 West 49th Ave, Vancouver Auditorium A130, Vancouver , BC (Map)

Cuban Consul General of Toronto, Mr. Jorge F. Soberón, speaks in Vancouver to raise awareness about 5 Cubans unjustly held in United States jails.



Langara College, 100 West 49th Ave, Vancouver
Auditorium A130

Organized by Human Rights & International Solidarity Committees of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (FPSE)

Mr. Jorge Soberón, Cuban Consul General in Toronto, will be visiting British Columbia October 11 to 15, 2011. Mr. Soberón’s visit to British Columbia comes at a crucial point in the case of the Cuban 5 as September 12, 2011 marked the 13th year of their unjust imprisonment in United States prisons. Events across the province are being organized by Human Rights & International Solidarity Committees of the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (FPSE). The Honourable Consul General will have the chance to visit 5 different BC cities, speaking in Castlegar, Kamloops, Nanaimo, Courtenay and Vancouver.

Through this tour, Mr. Soberón will explain the case of Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González and René González, known as the Cuban 5.These men are currently serving four life sentences and 75 years collectively in United States prisons. They were wrongly accused and convicted of “conspiracy to commit espionage” and other related charges. The Cuban 5 were not spies. They were involved in monitoring Miami-based terrorist organizations which, since 1959 have been responsible for the deaths of over 3,400 people in Cuba, including one resident of Canada, Fabio di Celmo, in 1997. Through their important work, these 5 men were able to prevent further deaths in Cuba.

As well as speaking about the Cuban 5, Mr. Soberón will provide information about Cuba's heralded Medical Mission in Haiti.

The LangaraCollege meeting 2-4 pm on October 15th is also endorsed by the Vancouver & District Labour Council, the Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association (CCFA), Vancouver Communities insolidarity with Cuba (VCSC), the Free the Cuban 5 Committee – Vancouver.

Please note that admission to this important event will be free. Parking at Langara College is also free on weekends.Donations will be called for and an evening fund raising$25 a plate dinner of salmon & halibut and an informal discussion with Mr. Soberon has been organized for 6 p.m.Anyone interested should call contacts below.All funds donated above tour expenses will be sent to the Cuban Medical Mission in Haiti.

Contacts:Charles Boylan, Education & Training Employees Association (ETEA Local 1, FPSE Local 21), 778 772 8550

Susan Weber – Langara College Faculty Association (FPSE Local 14), 604 876 6917


Please forward widely and encourage your friends and workmates to attend.
