International Women's Day - A message from the REVP and A/REVP

Error message

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On the eve of International Women’s Day, we’d like to thank you all, sisters and brothers, for the work you’ve done over the past year to advance women’s issues. These are issues that are important not just to women, but to all of us.

PSAC activists in BC have been actively involved in the $10/day daycare campaign, working with the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC to advocate for a universal, publicly-supported, affordable childcare program.  While this is an issue for both women and men we know that women often bear a disproportionate amount of the childcare burden and this creates barriers to equity in our workplaces and society.

PSAC activists have also spoken out many times against violence against women and girls. Our Regional Women’s Committees organized and participated in December 6th, National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, events across the province and in the One Billion Rising international campaign against violence against women. We’re very proud of the work we’ve done, and we look forward to the work we will continue to do.

We have been active in our workplaces and communities, speaking out about the impacts of federal budget cuts on women, in our workplaces and in our communities. Between mass layoffs of federal public employees, banning human rights complaints about pay equity and closing workplace-based child care centres, the federal government seems intent on rolling back gains working women have won and on weakening the unions that won them. Together, we all must continue the fight against this Conservative government.

On International Women’s Day, we hope that you take a moment to think back on PSAC’s long history of fighting for women’s rights, that you pledge your continued support for these issues, and that you remain committed to our ongoing work for a more equal and just society – in our workplaces, in our communities, and around the world. Inequality still persists and the struggle for equal rights is not over. We cannot be complacent.

Happy International Women’s Day.

Bob Jackson, Regional Executive Vice-President BC
Jayne Johns, Alternate REVP, BC
